Thanks for all your help guys but
I think I have fully given up on this guy ...
Yesterday, him and his wife came over, his wife was dropping something off for my wife..and he says.. Hey I brought a few sticks. , you want to we go outside and he hands me a stick....
An Undercrown belicoso.. Not a bad stick for this guy.. I am impressed.
I light up. And just as he is about to light.his, He stops and know what, someone gave me a stick earlier today. Maybe I should smoke that.
So, he goes to his car..comes back..I'm an 1/8 into my Undercrown and he pulls out........ A DE Ratfukingzilla. He smiles at my shock..then cuts it and lights it.
I'm speechless ... because I have been talking to him about this stick for months. And how they are so hard to get. And the fact that I have never even seen one let alone smoked one.
He tells me a story about this attorney friend ( he's an IT guy in. law firm...just like me..different firms) who picked this up somewhere in the Chicago.
He begged the attorney for weeks and finally traded him a Diplomatico , I gave him months ago for it.
So, trying not to be jealous.. I kick back with a Johnny Walker double black and try to enjoy my Undercrown...when. A little over a 1/4 into his cigar.
He snuffs it.
And complains its giving him a head's to strong for him.
I'm stunned , shocked, saddened...and decide you know what..this guy is an asshole. I give up.