I enjoyed cigars much more before I started trying to analyze them and find nuanced notes of donkey shit or Amazonian blueberries - or whatever silly terms cigar reviewers use to make their reviews sound cool. Here are some truths from a 50+ year pipe and cigars smoker (yours truly):
1. There are so many variables that standardization is difficult except for gross differences - i.e., Maduro vs. Claro, Nic vs. DR or EC or CC. The variables that affect taste and flavor of a stogie are generally the age of the smoke, how it has been stored, the terroir from which it came, its moisture level when smoked, the uniformity and distribution of moisture of the stick when smoked, the quality of its construction, all of the external factors such as heat and humidity at the time of smoking, and lastly, and most importantly (as many have said here) the way you smoke - which has two components - controlling the heat and burn rate of the tobacco, and the exposure of as many of your smell and taste receptors to as much of the smoke for as long as possible.
2. Everything else you smell or taste in proximity to the smoking experience (before, during and after) will affect what you taste. You know it - remember mommy making you pinch your nose in order to swallow gross-tasting medicine? There was a reason for that. Smell informs taste hugely.
3. Some people truly have better tasting abilities than others.
4. Standardization of your smoking environment will go a long way toward really being able to compare and contrast cigars. Ambient temperature and humidity are the keys. If you can't smoke in a controlled environment, comparing cigars is really tough - but tougher is being able to smoke in a controlled environment without your wife or significant other fantasizing about replicating Lorena Bobbit's carving adventures.
So, my considered opinion after suffering the slings and arrows of too many years of reading fun, informative but completely irrelevant cigar and pipe reviews, is "F - it." Find what you like, do it your way, and, above-all, keep it fun.