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How full is too full?


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
You have two truly awful things going on here...

#1 - Your tupperdoor seal is too loose
You don't need a 100% airtight seal, but you do need something relatively stable--certainly more than a clip-on plastic storage bin offers. Do the dollar bill test--insert dollar bill between lid and bottom of box, close, pull...if it comes out easy, the seal is bad, if it doesn't budge, good seal. From your description, it's not.

#2 - Your beads are supersaturated
Beads are supposed to: (A) release humidity when needed, and (B) absorb excess humidity when needed. If you SOAK your beads in water and get them completely saturated, how do you suppose they will be able to absorb more moisture?

Until you solve those two problems, you are NEVER, EVER going to get your humidity situation controlled.

#2 is being solved as we speak--got a fan blowing on the beads to dry them out as was suggested, and now I know better.

#1 I'm going wait and see. I think that I will be okay for now (it was fine until I tried to max-out the space), but during the winter months I agree that I might loose too much moisture if the seal isn't tight.

I had talked to a lot of people here and on other boards, and many of them were using plastic bins such as this and didn't have a problem. Since I already had this bin lying around, I figured I'd save the money. I suppose I'll have to brake down and buy a cooler if I can't get this to work, but right now the $75 is an issue--I've stopped buying sticks too, things are pretty tight right now.

I have a huge investment in my collection at this point, so i agree that I should do what needs to be done. If that means buying a cooler or even buying Heartfelt beads, than I gots ta do what I gots ta do.

Maybe when the Walmart cooler goes on sale I'll just get it...it's smaller than my current bin but I can figure it out.
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Apr 24, 2007
Phoenix Arizona
I use panty hose, but the wet mark might mean your beads are too wet and requires some drying time. I just set me beads in front of a fan for a few hours to dry them out. Are your beads clear or white? Clear beads are full of water, white beads are ready to absorb water. You should be about 50/50, with a bit of variance. at that level you won't see much if any wet marks. I put mine directly on the plastic in the bottom of my wine cooler so they are never acctually on a cigar box. I would set them on a plastic bag for now, but if those beads are all clear, they should be dried a bit.
Do we need to know this?


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
DUH of course you do. Would you like a picture?

NJSTONE....I have the solution for you. Use the container you have now, take out the boxes that are causing the lid to not seal. once the lid seals, you are good, put the container away. Now whatever sticks are left, box em up and send em to me.
Anything else I can do to help, just let me know.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Okay, so I rearranged things--again--and the lid fits properly. With something that weighs at least 5 pounds siting on top forcing down the lid, I get a decent seal according to the "paper test," I couldn't pull it out without ripping it. My other tupperware has a better seal because the lid sort of clicks into place--decent, but still no cooler.

I have 2x the amount of beads I need in both of my bins, and am going to dry them until they're maybe 50% "full" of water. I also have a bag of dry kitty-litter beads in each bin, for added insurance. Next I'm going to buy one of those Oust fans for each bin, they're pretty cheap.

How does that sound?

Sorry, the CAP just buzzed my house and I think my ears are bleeding...those F22s are frickin' loud!!!!--

Okay, so assuming that my beads will work properly when their saturation level is correct, I feel that I'm good to go for now--if there's something I"m missing still, let me know please!!

I've been sold on the idea of upgrading to giant coolers at some point--this is too big of an investment to not do everything possible to age my sticks properly. But since I'd need 2 cooler, I'm going to have to wait for a good sale. I think that I can fit my whole stash into 2 150-qt bins, if not I have my small tupperdor (the one that I'm trying to downsize) which actually has a great seal. 2 coolers for storage and a small bin for my day-to-day smokes--sounds pretty good.

Here's hoping for a summer closeout on coolers!


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I know Im really new here but im only tring to help.
1. Sell a couple of boxes here on Botl.
2. Use the money on a end of year clearance cooler.
3. You now have a airtight proper cooler with allitle more room with better circulation.
4. Finally you increase friendships and trader rating on BOTL:waving:


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN

It's a good point that I'm more likely to find a cooler on the cheap now than this winter under the "if I need it" scenario. I do want to get one eventually anyway...

Anyone know of some clearance sales going on right now?

Otherwise, that Walmart link posted earlier--for the 150-qt Coleman for $75--is the best deal I can find, though I would need 2 if I'm going to upgrade both of my bins.