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How many times do you hit the refresh button?


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
56k?!! How about 14.4? I thought I had died and gone to heaven when 56K come out.
BTW... Just got to work, have refreshed 10 times already.
young pups...

I still remember my first 300 baud modem that I used to get online with my commodore 64 lol....

I thought I was going to crap my pants when I saw how fast the external 600 baud hayes modem was that a friend of mine got a couple of years later for his Apple II+ lol..
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
56k?!! How about 14.4? I thought I had died and gone to heaven when 56K come out.
BTW... Just got to work, have refreshed 10 times already.
young pups...

I still remember my first 300 baud modem that I used to get online with my commodore 64 lol....

I thought I was going to crap my pants when I saw how fast the external 600 baud hayes modem was that a friend of mine got a couple of years later for his Apple II+ lol..
I'm sorry but I had a neighbour when I was a kid that used to have it. They were very religious and didn't believe in technology but they had the 300 baud in case of emergencies. I almost died laughing cause it took absolutely forever to get anywhere.

MD thank you for that I really needed a good laugh this morning and a way back play back.


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BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
lol.. my use of the 300 baud pre-dates the internet..

there were message boards that you could dial direct into.... and the father of a friend of mine had a couple of old ASCII "video games" (if you could call them that) uploaded on their main frame that he would let us dial into and play... one was a "horse racing" game.. where you picked a number 1-10.. and then 10 numbers lined up on the left side of the computer screen and randomly took off for the right side.. the number that made it to the other side first.. won! :) ... the other game I remember was something of a randomized black jack.. only you couldnt tell it to "hit" or "stay"... the computer just randomly assigned you numbers until you got between 16 and 21.. and whoever got closest to 21 without going over won lol...

computer technology in 1982... lol....


BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
What he is trying to say is back in his day after learning to be a telegraph operator, they had conversations on the party line with their rotary telephones (or coconuts on strings) and .... Ok need more caffeine my creativity has run out. Time for a nap

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
sadly.. I very much remember rotary phones (and transitioning to push button "princess" phones).. as well as party lines lol...

carrier pigeons were pretty much a thing of the past by the time I came into the world though :)
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
sadly.. I very much remember rotary phones (and transitioning to push button "princess" phones).. as well as party lines lol...

carrier pigeons were pretty much a thing of the past by the time I came into the world though :)
Are you sure. You should start breeding and carrying for pigeons. Then you save on postage and send cigars that way. Bahahahaha

I'm sorry I loved it.

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Apr 8, 2011
The Dark Side
I do sometimes miss the BBS days: Son why do you want another three phone lines brought into the house again? LOL
I don't refresh that much, I just revisit threads repeatedly.

Cheers :ccool:


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
lol.. my use of the 300 baud pre-dates the internet..

there were message boards that you could dial direct into.... and the father of a friend of mine had a couple of old ASCII "video games" (if you could call them that) uploaded on their main frame that he would let us dial into and play... one was a "horse racing" game.. where you picked a number 1-10.. and then 10 numbers lined up on the left side of the computer screen and randomly took off for the right side.. the number that made it to the other side first.. won! :) ... the other game I remember was something of a randomized black jack.. only you couldnt tell it to "hit" or "stay"... the computer just randomly assigned you numbers until you got between 16 and 21.. and whoever got closest to 21 without going over won lol...

computer technology in 1982... lol....
This is my first game... it came on two floppies.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I loved panic!

A buddy of mine got this in 1981 on his apple (same guy whose dad gave us access to the mainframe to play the horse racing game)... I ended up getting it on my commodore a few months later... it was my first "real" computer game.. and was one of my all time favorites.. I bought all the new versions of it that came out.. up until the mid 90's...
