I started at 17. It was an Optimo. I figured, hey, they named stores after them, they've got to be good, right?? (Spoiler: They were not.) I almost gave up right there, but a friend suggested "You should try one that comes in a tube. The good ones come in tubes!" So I picked up some Garcia Y Vega machine rolled sticks in those blue plastic tubes they keep near the register at the newsstand. Now I was on the right track!
That was about 13 years ago, and my tastes have steadily improved since then. My level of commitment to the hobby varies year-to-year, almost stopped entirely and got rid of my humidor a couple years ago, but now I'm back into it hardcore. I think the last several months have probably been the most serious I've been about it to date. I can't imagine that doesn't at least have something to do with my hookin' up with the bunch of you guys.