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Hoyo De Monterrey Epicure No.2, or are they?...

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Feb 4, 2015
It would be interesting to know whether he's buying from an international vendor or "a guy he knows"...

And I know we're not supposed to ask about sources, so mods please lemme know if that was out of line.
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May 11, 2013
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."


If no fit put spit
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Oct 8, 2015
I Think it's more of where his source gets it from; it's a local source - he hasn't revealed that to me, after what I know about these cigars that have come through...I don't really want to. I think it's gullibility that he believes where they're coming from comes from a credible source and he said he's done his own research. :bookworm:(y) Credit to where it's (or should be) due, everyone should do their own research, but I just think his research was not good enough, or maybe his source brainwashed him into thinking whatever he's getting are the real deal. Time will tell, I've asked my wife to let him know about BOTL and Cuban cigar site since she works with him, or it's just going to have to wait till I make the time to go to her office. I don't think he's a bad person, I mean...after all, he did "gift" these. Or might there be a hidden message as to "first one's are free" LOL :spam:. Like I said, gullible, likely stubborn too.
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Dec 29, 2015
Here is a close-up pic of one of mine. Notice how the gold colour emblem imprint stands out. The ribbon marking also looks dodgy. HABANOS ribbons are clearly printed. Here is an example.
Hope it helps.


IMG_5704.JPG IMG_5998.JPG

Nacho Daddy

Irrepressibly Irreverent Inveterate Ignominy
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Jul 17, 2009
A lot of Marcas' wrappers are showing up dark these days but those look like broadleaf..........
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Jan 26, 2016
It's obvious to me that this is this guys hustle. I would bet dollars to pesos that he knows full well what he is doing here. What a prick!
Anyways, I would honestly be pissed at this guy. Quit being so nice to him unless he's your boss because this is really a scumbag move in my eyes. Anyone who buys box after box after box of Cuban cigars is going to be into them like we are all into them. And somewhere along the line this guys been told before that they are fakes that he's trying to sell. Now, this is just my thinking, but again I would bet dollars to pesos that this guy is getting these boxes for probably close to $100 and that's the reason he's so adamant that you buy from him......there's a hell of a windfall of profit for him to realize if you become a regular customer. Those actually look better than most fakes but they still scream fake to anyone that's had the real thing even once.....the faded ink on the ribbon, the lack of a second band as I believe before they had that second hand they were completely unbranded, and the horrible branding on the box and finally......THOSE AINT NO CUBAN WRAPPERS!!!!! This kinda thing makes me sick and there's nothing worse than talking to such an ignorant bastard that insists his obviously fake cigars are real. Pull up this thread for him at work, have him read it and see what his reaction is. I guarantee you he does one of three things....he'll either tuck his balls in between his legs and leave you alone, he'll get really angry with you and won't want to have anything to do with you because you found out his scam, or he'll succumb to the fact that he's getting ripped off but I don't think that will happen because again, I fully believe this asshole knows full well what he's got and what he's trying to do. It's his extra money for the week if he can get you to be a regular customer and I'll bet you're not the only one. He's probably got a little operation going on and won't be so ready to give that extra income up. Be careful.