Hullo everyone!
I was quite happy to find an online community for this sort of thing and decided to join you all. I have enjoyed cigars for the last few years and continue to appreciate them to greater extents as days go by. My only recent concern is the greater difficulty in procuring Cuban cigars now that I have moved to the United States.
To speak of my cigar experiences, I must say I have yet to be disappointed with a poorly rolled one. Perhaps that is why I have never once thought of giving them up! I particularly take to the Partagas line, my favourites being the Lusitanias and the Shorts. I have recently found I am fond of San Christobal after trying several El Principes.Punch, too, I found excellent but it seems not many have even heard of it outside of the home isles; when I visited the La Casa del Habano in Toronto, Canada, they did not even carry them!
I would like try others as well since I have not really broadened my tastes and simply stayed with current favourites. I hope to learn more through the forums about other brands and hope I can contribute time to time myself.