BoM December 09
I just started smoking cigars as a hobby/obsession 2 months ago. I came upon this site and after reading post after post of how great Tats were, I decided to take someone's advice to order the HUNTER sampler from NHC.
I smoked the Havana Cazadore (6 3/8 x 43) last night to pop my Tat cherry, and I instantly became a Tat wh0re. It had a perfect burn line, draw, and the ash was 3" before falling on my lap. I didn't take any pics b/c I was enjoying the cigar so much that I didn't want to go inside to get my camera.
Tats, along with Oliva Serie V's, are my 2 fav smokes. But unlike the Vs, the Tat did not kick my a$$. My palate isnt refined enough to describe all the flavors; but I know what I like, and I really, really liked it.
After you read this post I will have already ordered a box of 10 of the L'espirit de Verite on NHC.
... again, I hate you all!
Ron :cbig:
Hey glad you found the site go to the introductions forum and tell us about yourself.