you can't even take care of a fish and your having a baby?!?!:bigeyes:
just kidding... atleast he died by your own doing... jess and i had a beta when we lived with zach and julia. well we went away for a week and left them in charge of feeding him (bruiser) that's all they had to do was feed a friggin fish! when we got home, bruiser was belly up and a whole lot of sholder shruging was going on:dunno:. i think baxter got the blame for scaring him to death... what are you going to do...
life's a fish, and then you die :grinFU:
just kidding... atleast he died by your own doing... jess and i had a beta when we lived with zach and julia. well we went away for a week and left them in charge of feeding him (bruiser) that's all they had to do was feed a friggin fish! when we got home, bruiser was belly up and a whole lot of sholder shruging was going on:dunno:. i think baxter got the blame for scaring him to death... what are you going to do...
life's a fish, and then you die :grinFU: