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I Will Never Forget


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
yep! i was listening to it on the radio as i drove in to work. watching it in the briefing room as the first tower fell. absolutely surreal! i was thinking, "Oh my God! all those people!!" it took several minutes for it to really sink in! total chills!!


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Makes me tear up just reading the thread. I walked in to a small hardware store in LA, to grab some supplies for the last day of a paint job we were doing up there. Everyone was watching a little 13 inch screen on the top shlef across from the register. Some one said the World Trade Center was on fire. We watched the second plane hit in the hardware store and watched the news for the rest of the day while we finshed the paint in the old lady's house. W edrove home from LA to Orange County that afternoon. It was the creepiest most erie feeling I have ever had. We were one of maybe 15 cars on, one of the busiest freways in the country, that day. God Bless America and all who serve and protect her.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I was in my Differential Equations class and my cell phone rang(vibrated actually) several times, a few minutes later after class I heard the news and it was being talked about all over campus. As I went in to work a few minutes later, I saw the first building fall on tv, when I went back to look at the tv the second building fell. As someone else all ready said, it was completely sureal. It wasn't until later that day when I got home that I really understood the magnitude of the entire situation, and I'll admit I am not a very emotional guy but I shead many tears for the men and women who lost thier lives due to such a cowardly act. I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!
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Jan 11, 2008
Orange County, CA
My wife was awake feeding our then month old son. She called as I got to work and we were floored. I was thinking what kind of world have I brought my 4 year old daughter and new born in to? Scary, I guess it's what my folks where thinking when I was a month old and Kennedy was shot...


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
I was just getting into the car to go to work. The only high rise between LA and the Bay area. My ops manager called and said everyone was afraid to go to work. We had not set up cable or the dish so I had to run a wire antenna. Got it up just as they showed pictures of the second plane hitting. Called my team, friends and met in the backyard and prayed for three hours.

I will never forget.
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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
I was at work, doing paperwork and heard the news on the radio about the first plane. I remeber Matt Laurer saying that it must have been an accident with the first plane.

Ran got the 9-inch B&W TV out and watched the rest. Still have the pictures and audio burned in my hard drive.

Also remember how silent the skies were when all plane traffic was shutdown.

I will never forget. Rest in peace.