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I'm stepping away for now....


But I don't live in Memphis
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Dec 29, 2015
Fairfield, CA
Keep up the good work Casey, overcoming the obstacle of identifying and being willing to accept the problem is a tough and strong act. I wish you all the best, and hope to hear from you sooner rather than later. And let me know if you ever finally make it to California.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Casey I am going to miss you man, you have been an awesome brother, I wish you nothing but the best and I can speak for us all by saying we hope you can make it back to us.

No need to worry about us we will be here being exactly what we are, but I do ask that if you ever need to just talk or reach out we are all here for you.
May god bless you on your voyage and I hope for nothing but the best brother.
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Aug 20, 2013
Long Island, New York
Casey, You are and always will be a brother here whether you smoke cigars or not. If your ever in need, there is a lot of support here. This is what RECOVERY is. You recover your health, you recover your relationships, you recover your family, you recover your self worth and respect for yourself.
Prayers for your long term recovery, and from what you said, successful recovery.
When your ready, come and visit this family


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I'm praying for you now and will continue to pray for you Casey. After watching my sister battle her addictions for many years I have witnessed the pain and trauma that this terrible disease can cause firsthand. This will not be an easy road but hopefully there are others around you that are able to help support you on your journey. I would also encourage you to reach out and get involved with your local chapter of Narcotics Anonymous. https://www.na.org/. Having the support of others that know and understand what you are going through will help ensure your recovery for the long haul. God Bless.
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Aug 20, 2013
Long Island, New York
Casey, You are and always will be a brother here whether you smoke cigars or not. If your ever in need, there is a lot of support here. This is what RECOVERY is. You recover your health, you recover your relationships, you recover your family, you recover your self worth and respect for yourself.
Prayers for your long term recovery, and from what you said, successful recovery.
When your ready, come and visit this family