I smoke at 0 degrees. I don't care. I'd rather freeze my ass off than sweat it off!
Amen! You'd love it here then. Only 3 days of sweating versus about 200 freezing!I smoke at 0 degrees. I don't care. I'd rather freeze my ass off than sweat it off!
0 degrees that's like a heat wave.I smoke at 0 degrees. I don't care. I'd rather freeze my ass off than sweat it off!
LOL. The other 162 days are bearable.203 days a year, I knew kk was from Mercury
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Really you give this place 162 days of bearable weather?:scratchheLOL. The other 162 days are bearable.203 days a year, I knew kk was from Mercury
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4
North of here....Like Canada? :eyepoke:That's with the wind. Without the wind, maybe 30. I grew up north of here, so I am acclimated!
My buddy's dad always has a group of guys from Georgia that hunt on his land up there. Been doing it for like 20 years. They throw some cash his way no doubt, but I have no idea how much. He feeds them, gives them a place to sleep and tours them around on a few sections of his land for whitetail. Another group comes up for goose hunting. So yeah, it could be legit.Heard they have good hunting there? Saw a guide service here in Denver, NC that does guided hunts up there? Seems legit?!?
I'm in Wisconsin so I know how you feel although probably not as cold as Minot at times. No smoking smoking laws only one place that I know of that stays open late night where you can smoke cigars - a few other cigar shops close early.Well the smoking season up here in Miont ND is coming to an end (At least for me) the winter months up here are a bit chilly.....lmao
I found my digital camera and finally posted some picsSounds awesome. Mind posting some pics... Here vvv