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Impending doom

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Aug 12, 2012
I usually go to the garage to get away from any cold wind, I use a small space heater to warm a little. Other than that, bundle up. And I don't smoke nearly as much in the cold winter months.
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Apr 6, 2013
Minot, ND,USA
My current living situation prevents me form having a heater big enough for my garage, and I'm not suppose to smoke there either....silly base rules

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King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
Heard they have good hunting there? Saw a guide service here in Denver, NC that does guided hunts up there? Seems legit?!?
My buddy's dad always has a group of guys from Georgia that hunt on his land up there. Been doing it for like 20 years. They throw some cash his way no doubt, but I have no idea how much. He feeds them, gives them a place to sleep and tours them around on a few sections of his land for whitetail. Another group comes up for goose hunting. So yeah, it could be legit.

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Jun 18, 2013
Madison, WI
Well the smoking season up here in Miont ND is coming to an end (At least for me) the winter months up here are a bit chilly.....lmao
I'm in Wisconsin so I know how you feel although probably not as cold as Minot at times. No smoking smoking laws only one place that I know of that stays open late night where you can smoke cigars - a few other cigar shops close early.
I have a finished lower level - I put in a futon, seats from Wrigley Field, poker table, juke box. It's got a fireplace and I put I a reversible fan & an ionizer - so I'm all set for the winter.
You can always put in fire pit. My brother did that and smokes outside all winter long - the thing gets quite hot.
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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
If you brothers in the cold country make it down my way I have a mancave with every thing you need. Come on by and enjoy a cigar, cold one or bourbon.

"Life's journey is not to arrive in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, "Shouting....Holy Shit....what a ride!"
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Oct 12, 2013
Southern NJ, or NC Mountians
Well folk, a few years ago I got tired of freezing my butt off in the NE winters. My back porch has a metal patio roof. I spent $100 on 2x3s and R4 foam sheathing. I built a 6' x 6' framed room under the patio roof and covered the walls with the R4. I cut an opening up high on one side, away from where I would be sitting, and installed a fan for exhaust. Then cut a small hole opposite for fresh air intake.

I had one of those 85,000 BTU high hat heaters. I cut it down so that the flame was head level when sitting. Added a 32" flat screen, and now I have a nice, comfy place to smoke on cold nights.

I had put it together with screws, as I meant to take it down during the summer. Instead, I added a cheapie 5,000 BTU A/C unit from Sams, once the temps rose into the 90s.

It may look redneck (like me), but it was super cheap, and does the job.



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Yeah...the regular season is quickly coming to a close for me here in Minnesota also. When I crave a smoke in the wintertime it usually requires a drive somewhere. Since the closest lounge is more than 100 miles away, "a drive" means using my Mazda portable smoking lounge. :driving: