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In Memoriam - A Tribute to our Deceased Brothers


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
My favorite pair of sneakers are the Air Safaris he gifted me. I try to not wear them too often these days so I can keep them around. Rev was a good dude. I miss bantering with him.
Very nice.
Back around 2014 or 2015 I was looking into buying a new watch, so I messaged Ara and asked his advice on a few watches I had in mind.
Mind you, $$ was tight for me back then, and I honestly had no clue what was a good, everyday wear watch.
We shot a few messages back and forth, and I thanked Ara for his advice.
Well, about a week later a Citizen watch arrived, as well as a few sticks, in the mail.
It was a gift from Ara.
Man, that was a pretty amazing gesture.
I still wear the watch every day.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
RevB and Ara (SOFC) were the first guys that came to mind for me as well.

I remember meeting Bryan (Rev) for the first time at the hillbilly herf. I can't remember if it was the first or second year but it was still a really small affair in MDwest's back yard at that time. Eddie (xfreebirdx) and Rev showed up and I was introduced to this big guy with a bunch of tattoos that was as quiet as Eddie was talkative. You could tell they were the best of friends and they went together like peanut butter and jelly. Rev introduced me to the joys of apple pie moonshine and my life was never the same after that. He sent some of his shine along for us to enjoy at the cigar safari in Nicaragua and even sent me a jar of Popcorn Sutton shine for my birthday one year. We chatted a lot in the forums and via PM and when I heard he passed away I was devastated. I know it was even harder for Eddie who ended up selling off the bulk of Bryan's stash after he passed. Man I miss that guy!

The other guy I miss is AJ Amato. I can't remember his screen name for the life of me but he was a force of nature, always flirting with the ban hammer when he was here. He and Chuck Mejia were kindred spirits for sure both here and on FB. Unfortunately he had some substance abuse issues and sadly passed away waaay too young from an OD. That was another kick in the gut when I found out about that through Chuck on FB.
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Feb 4, 2015
luckysaturn13 was one of my best friends in real life, and the man who introduced me to BOTL. Anyone who’s ever laughed along with (or at) the DRP thread owes him a debt of gratitude.

Fun story, we met playing rec league hockey... as opponents. Early in the game one night I skated up to him and shoved him for no good reason, and he shoved me back and said “this is gonna be fun”. I half growled / half laughed at him, and we spent the rest of the game beating the shit out of each other - but all clean hits, not a single penalty for either of us - one of the toughest opponents I’d ever met, and I really respected how hard he played while not taking cheap shots. Apparently he felt the same way, because we played again a week later and had nothing but respect for each other, so we started hanging out, and about a million other great stories followed... great times, great guy.


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
luckysaturn13 was one of my best friends in real life, and the man who introduced me to BOTL. Anyone who’s ever laughed along with (or at) the DRP thread owes him a debt of gratitude.

Fun story, we met playing rec league hockey... as opponents. Early in the game one night I skated up to him and shoved him for no good reason, and he shoved me back and said “this is gonna be fun”. I half growled / half laughed at him, and we spent the rest of the game beating the shit out of each other - but all clean hits, not a single penalty for either of us - one of the toughest opponents I’d ever met, and I really respected how hard he played while not taking cheap shots. Apparently he felt the same way, because we played again a week later and had nothing but respect for each other, so we started hanging out, and about a million other great stories followed... great times, great guy.
The DRP will live in infamy forever. Man, that was some funny shit.
Some of those reviews had me rolling, and man, some of those cigars were next level dog rockets.
But it was all in good fun, and we all got to know each other a bit better.
I had no idea luckysaturn13 had passed, I’m really glad I got to be a member of the DRP crew.

I didn't realize why so many of the great names I remember weren't posting. Man this thread is a kick on the pants.
After a several year hiatus from BOTL, I feel the same way...


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
I miss Oneaday. Ken Hesser. He had the greatest sense of humor; dry, witty, and without warning. We got together anytime he was in town. Chuck (CWS) and I had a memorable trip to his place in AZ (my Old Geezer Hitmen). I loved his humidor (the side of a warehouse wall at one of the bigger cigar shops). He was legendary at the BOM herfs - how about when he fell through the chair. what was that song he was singing? something about his Tu Tu. Miss you buddy! A lot!