I'll be playing golf tomorrow and then joining the usual crew for our Friday evening smokes. The rest of the weekend is just relaxing, cooking out, and enjoying the B-more fireworks. Sales is tough during holidays so I'm gonna enjoy the downtime.
After much thought, I think I will make some homemade macaroni and cheese along with some good ole Sabrett hotdogs on the grill. Mmmmmmmm........ Sabretts.
Mac 'n cheese on the grill?? That must get awfully messy ...
The family and I will be going to the Santa Cruz beach area for the day. Lots of fun and sun during the day ... and then at twilight we head off to a cliff area overlooking the coastline and watch all the pyros set off their fireworks. The last few years we've gone there are usually 2 miles or more of beach area where approx 100+ people are setting off their displays. This is all manner of items from small fountains to large, professional mortars.