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JL #1 Upsets!


Semper Fi!
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Dec 9, 2004
Edwards AFB, CA
Well, tonight I attempted to smoke two out of the five #1's that I had left from '05 with a DIC 01 box code. I hadn't smoked one because I wanted them to age, and either gifted or sold the remainder away. The prelight draw after the cut was perfect, but as soon as the foot was toasted and I got 5-10 delicious honey-butter puffs out of the cigar, it plugged up tight. This also happened with the second stick.

After the duo of stoppages, I got out my trusty paperclip and pushed it through the tightest spot, freeing it up enough to get a few more puffs and the wrapper made an audible pop and split right at the tight spot about an inch long! (1/3 up the cigar)

They were then impossible to smoke thereafter as more air was entering the split than what was flowing through the lit end.

I was flabbergasted as this has never happened before. Can anyone explain why this occurred? I'd have some pics, but I hastily pitched them in the garden in anger. :rolling:


Semper Fi!
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Dec 9, 2004
Edwards AFB, CA
AZ, what you say makes sense. Everything else is smoking perfectly, but these are probably toast since all three left feel tight in the same spot. I've been smoking CC's on & off since 2004. I think with the next one I'll just cut past the plug and enjoy a half corona gorda :)


Semper Fi!
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Dec 9, 2004
Edwards AFB, CA
As it turned out, only one out of the five was smoke-able. It was a great experience though moving from a flavor not unlike a peanut butter and honey sandwich to a salty sweet almost split-pea with bacon flavor, then back to honey and some licorice until it got too hot to handle. All the while, it was so smooth it didn't tingle the back of the throat one bit, no did it need purging. It is unfortunate that I waited this long only to see them plugged, but the one I enjoyed was worth it :) Also, a huge plus with most good ISOMs is that they leave a pleasant taste after smoking, not an ashy aftermath.
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