You had me at Gatlinburg....Like Brad and several others. I'm going on close to 8 years here. I've been to many multy state herfs. One international one (Nicaragua)I co-hosted the 2012 BOTL Herf with 20 plus BoMs and 9 of them stayed the weekend at my place. I'll be herfing with Brad and many others I've met before @ Gatlinburg in April.
The point is. This place is special because it's not about any group. It's only about the board, its members and the relationships we've built. I WILL NEVER TURN MY BACK ON THIS PLACE. It means too much to me because of what its members have given to me. I've seen a thousand guys come and go. Many guys I miss. Many couldn't leave fast enough. This new phase of guys coming and "complaining" will pass. And what's not exceptable E will take care of behind the scenes. Get out and meet a brother this winter guys! It's a long one. Happy herfing fellas.
Welcome Mr. Draned! Glad you find this place fitting. You better watch out, we're Noobie Sharks and we are circling your thread....