What's new

Just putting it out there...


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
Like Brad and several others. I'm going on close to 8 years here. I've been to many multy state herfs. One international one (Nicaragua)I co-hosted the 2012 BOTL Herf with 20 plus BoMs and 9 of them stayed the weekend at my place. I'll be herfing with Brad and many others I've met before @ Gatlinburg in April.
The point is. This place is special because it's not about any group. It's only about the board, its members and the relationships we've built. I WILL NEVER TURN MY BACK ON THIS PLACE. It means too much to me because of what its members have given to me. I've seen a thousand guys come and go. Many guys I miss. Many couldn't leave fast enough. This new phase of guys coming and "complaining" will pass. And what's not exceptable E will take care of behind the scenes. Get out and meet a brother this winter guys! It's a long one. Happy herfing fellas.
You had me at Gatlinburg....

Welcome Mr. Draned! Glad you find this place fitting. You better watch out, we're Noobie Sharks and we are circling your thread....

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
Welcome to BOTL brother...! I like the cut of your jib. My 2 year Anny is days away and I can't see myself being anywhere else. I have met 20+ members and hope to meet 20+ more, including yourself. Kudos to the longevity of guys like Brad and Justin above. Their continued presence and welcoming nature make this place great for the reasons you've described.
Long live BOTL.org!!!!

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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I too just had my 2 yr Anny and like many above have said met a ton of friends spoken to dozens more. Heck I even was current BoY Rasshat first trade partner. We now are thick as thieves and adding more Michigan guys all the time. This place is awesome from the knowledge of the FOG's to the random acts of kindness. This is a special place that we all love and protect fiercely. Enjoy your stay hope to see your story like these soon!
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May 30, 2010
New York
Glad to have you here at BOTL! It is for sure a great group of guys and it is drama free and all about the smokes!
Btw can't believe I've been here for 5 years!
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Feb 7, 2015
Mechanicsburg, PA
I agree, being another new guy I feel very welcomed here and am happy to have found this site. The friendship shown to one another is really something. This site is the 1st one I go to in the morning and the last one I read before going to bed while checking in many times throught the day. I can't wait to click on threads when I receive the alert emails indicating new posts. I have so much to learn and cannot wait to meet people in person and cultivate long lasting friendships.
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Jan 30, 2015
Lafayette, LA
Great post. New to the community and love it. What stuck out to me is that I don't feel that I have to prove anything to be accepted. I love cigars and enjoy the hobby. This is what a brotherhood is all about.


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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
Great post. New to the community and love it. What stuck out to me is that I don't feel that I have to prove anything to be accepted. I love cigars and enjoy the hobby. This is what a brotherhood is all about.
This is exactly I how I have felt since joining this site.

Just a bunch of great guys who are willing to share with everyone.

It also helps that so many think and feel the way I do about a lot of subjects such as hobbies, likes and dislikes.