I realize many of you may already know this but please bear with me. This thread is for those who don't or have forgotten.
Buying and possessing Cuban cigars or Cuban made items is illegal for all U.S. Citizens that don't have written government authorization to do so.
If you choose to buy and/or possess Cuban cigars I feel that everyone should be aware of the potential consequences.
There are several different things that can happen to an individual U.S. Citizen if found in possession of Cuban goods or found trying to import said goods.
Confiscations occur if Cuban goods are discovered while re-entering the U.S. or during random mail/shipment inspections.
These inspections of shipped items by U.S Customs occur randomly and can entail inspection of U.S. Mail as well as items shipped via courier i.e. FedEx, UPS, etc.
When an item is confiscated a form letter is typically issued. This letter outlines the goods confiscated, where the confiscation occurred, the value of said goods, makes mention of the specific violation and potential penalties for said violation as well as outlining the procedure required to dispute the confiscation or attempt to retrieve the confiscated goods.
In some instances no confiscation occurs but a warning of suspected violations will be issued. Why this warning is issued is not clear. This letter simply advises against further violations and reminds the recipient of the laws and penalties associated with violating the Cuban Embargo.
Request for Information (RFI)
At times the government will send out a certified letter that specifies suspected purchases during a specific window of time, and from a vendor in a specific region of the world. This letter asks for very specific information. Some would contend potentially self incriminating information. This letter requires a response and threatens civil penalties if the recipient does not respond. Most agree that upon receipt of this RFI letter the recipient should most definitely seek legal counsel from a competent criminal lawyer and in turn provide a response to the government. The extent and contents of that response is to be determined by the recipient and their lawyer.
Please, I am in no way trying to present myself as the all knowing expert in this so if you have something you feel should be added or see an error or omission on my part please post it up and I will edit this post.