Is it just me or is the lancero the least popular of all the cigar sizes? Is it just the way it looks when you're smoking it, or is it the smoke itself?
I find when I smoke a lancero, the flavor is usually a lot more concentrated than when I smoke a cigar with a larger ring gauge. What are your thoughts?
just to clarify, you feel that lanceros are unpopular in the market at large, but love them yourself for the brightness of flavors? if so, then yeah, pretty much.
like dan said, we are at the far edge of a bell curve, with the opposite edge being someone who smokes one cigar a year when at a wedding or what not. the median point goes for the supersize motif in droves, unfortunately. but, for a novice, large RG are easy: they burn forever with little burn maintenance or pacing issues, and the diluted favors can be seen as a plus ("I don't want my coffee TOO strong, thanks.". blech!). there are fewer people buying smaller ring smokes, and they seem harder to make well, so gone is the corona and lancero, and the 46rg corona gorda becomes the 54rg toro. woo. o(
you like, them, you are amongst friends here! just keep buying them, cash talks, and teach people how good a smaller ring can be whenever possible!
(sent while burning a SLR PC, 5x42)