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Jan 30, 2017
Another Rrrrufff week, get-ir-dun boys!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Smoke Inn. They sent a letter (plus an extra stick) with this month's delivery letting us know they're gonna raise the price by $5 starting in 2023. I'm still in. Been quite happy with it for the most part.

View attachment 176789
Yea I guess it's better to raise your price a bit and send you the cigars you'll enjoy then send a bunch of yard gars. I'm expecting a similar notice from SBC
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Aug 11, 2011
Modesto, CA
Cigar Federation. Nice!
I've been happy with Cigar Fed overall - they seem to have a good variety... I just wish some of the one-offs in limiteds that I have enjoyed were regularly available.

Just got an email that a SBC $50 spot was open so I jumped on it. I'm here in CA so will have to see if the extra $$ in taxes still makes it worthwhile since I don't currently have a cigar mule out of state lol
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Aug 11, 2011
Modesto, CA
Funny enough, it arrived today - SBC $50


So looking up each individually, the MSRP total is $75, With the uber-crappy CA taxes I pay a total of $78 for the $50 COTM (Thanks stupid CA!)

Based on this it is looking like it will be worth it for me, even with CA taxes. I'm essentially paying MSRP for a few singles that I may or may not think about and some may or may not be available as singles from online retailers.

Any thoughts?


The battle's fought, the deed is done
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Jun 26, 2019
Deep in the woods, Middle Georgia
Funny enough, it arrived today - SBC $50

View attachment 179052

So looking up each individually, the MSRP total is $75, With the uber-crappy CA taxes I pay a total of $78 for the $50 COTM (Thanks stupid CA!)

Based on this it is looking like it will be worth it for me, even with CA taxes. I'm essentially paying MSRP for a few singles that I may or may not think about and some may or may not be available as singles from online retailers.

Any thoughts?
That's the only reason I don't buy from SB unfortunately. F%k Newsom and his BS taxes!!! The best COTM by a long shot regardless.
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Aug 11, 2011
Modesto, CA
Same reason I won't buy from them either. They have a fantastic shop it just costs too much living in CA.
Well, I think I have found a workaround... my mom lives up in WA, and she offered to let me ship to her. I'm going to print out labels to stick over the packing slip and she will send them to me via UPS. I used the calculator online and it should be around $12. That is a far better situation ($12 vs $28) plus Gavvie gets none of my money.