BoM December 2012
The only way I see that even possibly being true is if you're talking about like a 1960's PSD4. And plume??? On a recent production cigar??? No way dude. That's the lighting or the way Johnny boy held his phone when taking the photo, cause it sure as hell ain't plume!IF the one on the left is not aged, and the right is presumed genuine (which I believe it is), the left is a phony. As others stated, the band is a giveaway. It's not like the factory has different types of bands lying around for the same cigar and they just grab whatever.
If the one on the left is aged (and was presented to the owner as such, or he's just sat on it for a while), maybe a different story. Who knows what exact band the factory may have used back then? For an apples-to-apples comparison you'd have to get a bona-fide stick that was made at the same time as the suspicious one and compare the bands.
You can always smoke it and find out!
(p.s. Mojo -- nice plume! Looks delish!)|as