So many good ones here.
1. After I get home from work, wife remembers we forgot something, and I have to run to the store, and she tells me to hurry, because dinner will be ready soon.......especially after I've taken off my work clothes, and I'm walking around in shorts with no shoes Grrr!!!
2. Behind slow as people doesn't matter wjat lane I'm in.
3. People who don't use turn signals!!!! DIE!!!!
4. People who have the gall to criticize my heavy metal, yet they listen to bubblegum pop on the radio, and consider that music
5. Sweet potatoes
6. People who mow their lawn before 10am on a Saturday! Don't you know there is still dew on the grass???
7. When my phone won't fast charge or connect to Wi-Fi
8. Facebook
9. Instagram no longer in chronological order
10. When a cigar won't stay lit, and it's one you've been hyped to smoke and just makes your day shitty. (I'm looking at you Henry Clay Tattoo)
11. Sports on television at the lounge when I'd rather watch a monster movie.