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Lit The Wrong End..

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Jan 21, 2014
west des moines,iowa
I have yet to light a cigar from the wrong end. But I did light cigs that way when I was drunk at parties. Followed by me getting mad cause im out of cigarettes thinking someone else smoked them when really I just about chained smoked the entire pack... ohhhh those times. Im glad im past that.
ive yet to drop the cig habit i'll quit and start and quit and start but ya when i'm drinking i smoke twice as many cigs..my goal is to get off the damn cigs for good but now isnt the right time
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Jan 15, 2014
Sherman, TX
I have yet to light a cigar from the wrong end. But I did light cigs that way when I was drunk at parties. Followed by me getting mad cause im out of cigarettes thinking someone else smoked them when really I just about chained smoked the entire pack... ohhhh those times. Im glad im past that.
ive yet to drop the cig habit i'll quit and start and quit and start but ya when i'm drinking i smoke twice as many cigs..my goal is to get off the damn cigs for good but now isnt the right time
I dont know if you would technically say I am off cigs. I stopped smoking and changed to vape. I still need my nicotine just much better flavor and much better smell.
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Jan 21, 2014
west des moines,iowa
I have yet to light a cigar from the wrong end. But I did light cigs that way when I was drunk at parties. Followed by me getting mad cause im out of cigarettes thinking someone else smoked them when really I just about chained smoked the entire pack... ohhhh those times. Im glad im past that.
ive yet to drop the cig habit i'll quit and start and quit and start but ya when i'm drinking i smoke twice as many cigs..my goal is to get off the damn cigs for good but now isnt the right time
I dont know if you would technically say I am off cigs. I stopped smoking and changed to vape. I still need my nicotine just much better flavor and much better smell.
i have an e-cig i use when its stupid cold out cuz i live in a no smoking apt complex


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Feb 1, 2014
Wouldn't you like to know, IL
I quit the cig's and never looked back. E cig, at least you can breath with those. I have one, I use it for work at least until they fucking ban it indoors...bullshit. Cigars are bad enough lol they pack so much nic but still easier to breath than cigs.