What's your budget and how do you plan on carrying? Strong side, behind the hip? Appendix?
Thanks Alex. I don't really have a budget and I will carry behind my right hip. Something comfortable and well made is my main concern.
For behind the hip, I've found that leather is most comfortable.
Some people who make good leather: 5 Shot Leather, Kramer, Milt Sparks, and more. I strongly dislike the leather-backed "hybrid" kydex options. The leather begins to fold over the kydex attachment after time and use.
Personally, I would ask them if their IWB designs work well on sub-compact guns. If they don't, or don't know, I would wait a couple weeks and place an order for a holster designed for the new XDS with the 4 inch barrel (debuted at SHOT). The extra barrel length should keep your holster and gun very steady and reduce printing.