Sorry to hear that. I got let go with a bunch of others one week before Christmas one year. It sucks now but somehow it usually turns out for the better. Look at it as a chance for a new beginning for something better. Good luck bro.
Wow Josh I am so sorry to hear that brother. Keep your head up and hit me with your addy again, I will give you some things that should brighten your day a bit. I wish you the best of luck bro.
Sorry to hear it, Josh. Right now most of us that are still working could lose our jobs at any time. Was the QA Manager position your last job? What sort of position are you looking for? (Not that I could do anything for you, but it's good to be able to tell people what job, or jobs, you're looking for.)
Consider applying for the head coach job with the Vikings (I'm sure it will be available soon). Their current Sports Management and QA is sorely lacking.
Terribly sorry to hear about the job loss....I've been concened over my own financial health lately as I work in the auto industry. Keep your head up and don't be embarassed if you have to collect until you find something else!
Sorry to hear of your job loss. I know that my complany has pushed up their mid-year evals for that they can look at who they could "realign" as they put it.
Consider applying for the head coach job with the Vikings (I'm sure it will be available soon). Their current Sports Management and QA is sorely lacking.
Brothers - I really want to thank you all for the kind words. I'm currently working on my resume, and hopefully will have some leads soon. I really appreciate all of your positive outlooks, and it gives me strength to know that there are really people out there who do care, and who want you to succeed.