Is the standard for sharing information years of posting and being in chat multiple times a week (which doesn't fit my work schedule) or sending cigars as tribute hoping it buys me into the good graces of the senior posters who have more experience to get access to the hidden fruit of be like everyone else who has to try and figure out subtle clues and website rhyming games?
Nobody is against fostering noobs. What I'm saying (and not directly to you) is don't ask on the open forums for sources and don't PM strangers. If you know a guy here, talk to him, he will help you.
I apologize for quoting you as my post was more of a general heads up to others, particularly new guys, who are reading this thread. I've gotten multiple PMs from complete strangers who I had never had any interaction with PM me out of the blue asking me for sources, even after I put the line in my signature. That's the wrong way to go about it. I'm not going to share a source with someone (again, not speaking of you, but we get a lot of them) who pops comes onto the forum with a sense of entitlement, demanding to be given exactly what they want without any kind of investment. Because that kind of attitude is the same kind of attitude that's going to cause our favorite vendors problems, which makes things more difficult for everyone in the long run.
The attitude that says "I deserve to have this knowledge now without any investment or effort" is the same attitude that will say "This wait time for a reship or refund is BS, I'm having my credit card charge back the vendor even though the product is likely on the way." Nobody wants that.

R version: As with all things that are not approved by the government, ask a friend not a stranger.