Electric Sheep
Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
Amen to that!I try to live by the addage that life is to short to smoke bad cigars and that of course includes moldy.
Amen to that!I try to live by the addage that life is to short to smoke bad cigars and that of course includes moldy.
Thanks everyone for the great counsel - Oneaday, I sent you a PM re your offer. All the best -Once you get it settled, I know where you can get a box of those with your choice of several box codes and they come from the mold free zone.
I was also under this assumption. Had they been bought recently, a return is a no brainer.:sadcry:I had assumed he had these for quite a while as he said "finally found them". I took that as he had them stashed away in his humidor.
Most definitely he should contact the vendor if he ordered them recently.