That sucks. I'll be pulling for you to study hard on the 3rd while I'm sitting out and relaxing with a smoke and a drink. :inlove:tobby4 said:I have class.. and to add insult to injury I have a test on the 5th.... so it really ruins the holiday plans
Damn that sucks! You don't even get off for the 4th? :dunno: :frown:tobby4 said:I have class.. and to add insult to injury I have a test on the 5th.... so it really ruins the holiday plans
Oh man, the Cherry Festival. That brings back memories. Don't forget a trip out to Mackinaw Island!Boppa-Wasch said:Plant is closed for major electrical upgrade. I'll be at Higgins Lake North State Park from 6/25 thru 7/11. Sittin in the shade, layin in the sun and swimmin in the lake. Who knows, I may even smoke something.:stretchgr :razz: :waving::dunno:
eace: :king: :scratchhe :thumbsup: :usaflag: :smokingbo May even take in the Cherry Festival in Traverse City.
Wasch_24 said:We are not getting it as a holiday but we are going up to Michigan from the 1st through the 8th for a little camping at Higgins Lake.
We have basically been going, as they say it in Michigan, "up north" every summer since I was a baby. :thumbsup:
Funny, that's the same thing I'm doing! I'm going to the Mrs.'s family cabin in central Michigan.Wasch_24 said:We are not getting it as a holiday but we are going up to Michigan from the 1st through the 8th for a little camping at Higgins Lake.
We have basically been going, as they say it in Michigan, "up north" every summer since I was a baby. :thumbsup: