BoM Sept. 05
:boxing: :boxing:Sorry to hear. Lots of mold is right, Chuck and Mike are some more fine examples of mold. :innocent:

:boxing: :boxing:Sorry to hear. Lots of mold is right, Chuck and Mike are some more fine examples of mold. :innocent:
:boxing: :boxing:
. :rolling:
I believe this is directed specifically to you Steve.:boxing: :boxing:
:nodlaugh: :razz: :thumbsup:I believe this is directed specifically to you Steve.
Yeah, it can be...none in the foot, but then where will I store em? I'm sure not going to put them with my other cigars again. Plus I'm thinkin the vendor will prob want me to send these back. We'll see.:sadstare:Man that's not good. To me, it looks like it can be wiped off.
:thumbsup:M ostly
O lder
L ikeable
D udes
I'm pretty sure that the mold spores were already on your cigars before you received them and no matter what you do, they will still carry the spores. You can control the enviorment to inhibit thier return though. You want to make sure that your humidor isn't a welcome enviorment by lowering the rH a few points and see about controling your ambient temperature inside your humidor/coolidor by either moving it to a new location or buying a winecooler (like a Haier) and really get serious about tempterature control.Okay, so now here's the question I want to ask. Say I quarantine the affected ones, then the ones that appear okay I put in a sealed tupperware container. Is it okay to put the tupperware container in the igloodor? I would very much like to age the non-moldy ones for 2 to 5 years, but want to know if this is safe. TIA for any help. :computer: