I smoke on many mornings on my way to work (hour or so drive). There is over an hour lag between the time I brush my teeth and the time I light up, and I have never noticed a taste problem from my toothpaste. YMMV.
I can't stand not brushing and sometimes do it three or more times a day. Before and after breakfast, after a cigar anytime, then always before bed. My younger brother and I have real bad sinus problems and he used to have such bad breath I couldn't stand to be around him unless he brushed so I do often just in case.
The odors humans make are worse than almost any others and I have such a sensitive sense of smell sometimes I get nauseous if it's real bad.
I like to occassionally smoke in the morning on the weekends. Usually, it's a HdM Epi#2 or JL #2, if I'm at home with the paper and a good strong pot of coffee.
If I meet up with one of the "Deck Boys", it's a much different story. Probably an Esplendido (or two). :drool: