Mine a $40 ish PAM 26 40th anni. Saving it for graduation night.
Sounds like a good plan - or the day right before graduation... the morning after is best left for sunglasses and aspirin...
Not to hijack the thread (though that's exactly what I'm doing anyhow), but my wife said - and even signed a scribbled piece of post-it note - that I could "buy ANY cigar i wanted when i get my thesis defense done". Of course, now I'm struggling over what to get... Suggestions? HMR's are expensive soggy- newspaper- rolls to me, though I've never even seen them, much less smelled them. I'm a maduro coffee flavors / equadorian-sumatra-wrapper spice lover, if that's of any help...
Ok, sorry for the hijack - getting back to the main theme, my most pricey cigar purchase... well, I'm a married (= whipped) grad student (= poor), so I'm thinking it was a diamond crown maximus or cien anos, either one in the 11-12 dollar range. The one opus I did buy was 10 bucks, for one of the smaller (pc?) sized ones - I honestly forget what it is, but it's resting at the bottom of the coolerdor. OH! Wait, maybe I spent like 15 or so on a 2002 LGC thing - I totally forget the full frontmark, but it was a 6 or 6.5" figurado with a yellow ribbon band at or near the foot - all i remember is that it was out of this world - I think it was one of the first RF's, though the price seems too high... I'll have to look in the ol' journal to recall what it was...
Just my 2 cents,