RSVP so far is...Congrats brother......I'll be in New Orleans that week for our trade show but have fun with the UFC 100 Herf....
I will still be recieving mail at my current addy, but if things change I will let the guys know!!!!That's so awesome man, congrats!!! Make sure we get your new addy because it's your BIRTHDAY MONTH in June!!
I"m pretty sure you should be able to find a nice closet in that house to convert into a walk-in :blob:
Correction, UFC 100 will be on Sat July 11th... so no UFC 100 HERF in August... and the boss lady said that July will be too soon to have anything at the house... so I guess I better lift my skirt and make sure my marbles are still there!I want everyone to mark their calendars for Sat. Aug. 11th. I will be having a huge UFC 100 HERF... Hopefully the house will be presentable by then.