Here's a few passages from the Koran...perhaps they will give you a clue about this so-called religion of peace...This is an awesome post. It brings up several good questions. If Islam is truely a religion of peace then why isn't the core of the Muslim nation in an uproar. If it's a religion of peace why are the real Muslims not stepping up and crushing these radical. At the very least why are they not speaking out against this violence?
From Sura 3:148
We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. They serve other dieties besides Allah for whom He has revealed no sanction. The fire shall be their home; dismal indeed is the dwelling place of the evil-doers.
From Sura 5:51
Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.
From Sura 8:12
Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: "I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!"
From Sura 9:5
When the sacred months are over slay the infidels wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy*, allow them to go their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful.
*In other words, if they convert to Islam...
Murdering a Nun in cold blood because of something the Pope quoted from a 14th century text? Which by the way, just goes to show they are exactly as quoted, evil and inhuman...religion of peace, my ass...