Let me start by saying my wife is usually pretty good about "allowing" me to watch football, especially during the playoffs with multiple games. But, she has a knack for coming in the room right around the 2 min warning and asking all sorts of questions.
During the GB game she came in and I explained the score to her and she said "they can never get that many touchdowns in time!" So then I explained how a touchdown is worth 7 points (simplified for her sake), and not one point as she thought. Mind you, this was at least the fifth time THIS SEASON I explained that to her.
After the interception and Rodgers took a knee, we had a nice lengthy debate about how that is not "cheating"!
Fast-forward to the Steelers... I come downstairs during half-time and get sent to the store (thank God for DVR!) When I got home she let me watch the rest.
At the 4 minute mark she comes upstairs and starts asking questions again. After another explanation of how the points work the Steelers get the ball back and take a knee. Then we start the whole cheating debate again!
Her- "That's not fair! They're just standing around wasting time. That's cheating!"
Me- "Honey, that's what they do when they're ahead. They don't want to risk giving the ball back"
Her- "But there's all that time on the clock and they're letting it run out when the other team could be trying to score points!"
Me- "Exactly!!"
Her- "Have they even gone to the Superbowl before?"
Me- "This will be their third time in 6 years"
Her- "Then that's REALLY not fair!!! They should just let the other guys have a chance, too!"
Me- "Wait, what???"
Her- "I mean, look at 'em. They look so sad there on the sidelines. They should have just let them go."
Me- "Umm, oookaay... Let's go downstairs."
I really need to find someplace else to watch the Superbowl...
During the GB game she came in and I explained the score to her and she said "they can never get that many touchdowns in time!" So then I explained how a touchdown is worth 7 points (simplified for her sake), and not one point as she thought. Mind you, this was at least the fifth time THIS SEASON I explained that to her.
After the interception and Rodgers took a knee, we had a nice lengthy debate about how that is not "cheating"!
Fast-forward to the Steelers... I come downstairs during half-time and get sent to the store (thank God for DVR!) When I got home she let me watch the rest.
At the 4 minute mark she comes upstairs and starts asking questions again. After another explanation of how the points work the Steelers get the ball back and take a knee. Then we start the whole cheating debate again!
Her- "That's not fair! They're just standing around wasting time. That's cheating!"
Me- "Honey, that's what they do when they're ahead. They don't want to risk giving the ball back"
Her- "But there's all that time on the clock and they're letting it run out when the other team could be trying to score points!"
Me- "Exactly!!"
Her- "Have they even gone to the Superbowl before?"
Me- "This will be their third time in 6 years"
Her- "Then that's REALLY not fair!!! They should just let the other guys have a chance, too!"
Me- "Wait, what???"
Her- "I mean, look at 'em. They look so sad there on the sidelines. They should have just let them go."
Me- "Umm, oookaay... Let's go downstairs."
I really need to find someplace else to watch the Superbowl...