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Nauseous afterwards


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I would also add most/many of the boutique brands (Nica) are rushing product too fast to market now days and Cuba is more approachable rott lately. (This includes my beloved brands) I wish I had a dollar for every Nic review stating, "They seem enjoyable now but should be much more approachable and much more balanced in six months".
Very true...Used to be that Cubans were the cigars that you were supposed to rest before smoking. Now you have such a race going to produce the next high dollar, limited run Nic, that they are just pushed out to market quickly; and require down time in the humi.

Having said that, there are many Nics that HAVE rounded out nicely from a long rest, that are just fantastic right now.

Good convo :)
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Dec 6, 2011
Chandler, AZ
Hey thanks cigarnut. I appreciate the pointers. I just need to pace myself. Take it slow for a while. Perhaps a long while. Haha.

Herfin' Harg

BoM March 2012
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May 11, 2011
Austin, TX
Didn't see this above, but make sure your stick is properly humidified. Smoking a dried out stick can turn you green, as well.

Keep in mind that most of the wisdom you see above are the lessons learned of a misspent youth; it takes a while to figure out pacing vs. your constitution, and there aren't really any shortcuts to finding your personal sweet spot.
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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Hey thanks cigarnut. I appreciate the pointers. I just need to pace myself. Take it slow for a while. Perhaps a long while. Haha.
With any hobby you take up, there's just a TON of info thrown at you right off the bat....Some of it is good info, some bad.

Just enjoy and don't let it overwhelm you :)

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
try pamprin or midol. :razz:

seriously though, bro...toss back a bomber of good brew before lighting up.

alcohol counters nicotine effects :ccowboy:
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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
People react very differently to nicotine... you got what cigar lovers have coined "nicotine sickness."

Firstly, drink LOTS of water WHILE you smoke... between EVERY puff. In fact... you SHOULD drink a lot of water thoroughout the day, as well... a well hydrated body absorbs (and gets rid of) nicotine much easier.

Secondly, always smoke on a FULL stomach...

Thirdly, smoke outdoors and sit somewhere where there is good air-flow (use a fan if you must)... so you don't inhale much smoke.

Fourthly, get GOOD sleep EVERY day... not just after you smoke.

Fifthly, smoke QUALITY cigars. Some cheap stuff out there has a whole mess of chemicals, hasn't been well aged, isn't well balanced from beginning to end, etc... Smoking premium stuff can help to ensure you're not ALSO ingesting a lot of crap that helps you feel sick and ensure that your nicotine intake will at least be more regular, if that makes sense.

Lastly, stand up every so often while you're smoking! This will help your circulation and can ease the affects of nicotine sickness (or if nothing else, help you to recognise the symptoms early on so you can take a break and drink some more water).

These are the BEST things you can do when you're one of those people that has a very low tolerance for nicotine... or just got nailed once by a particular smoke. I've helped a couple buddies through this and... over time... they developed a higher tolerance. You can too... but you NEED to start out by doing these things and letting your body ease into it!

Hope that helps...
You forgot about driving fast cars and wearing expensive watches. LOL!