Me tooBring me back some VR Farmies!!!!! I'll take all you can bring back!:stretchgr
Me tooBring me back some VR Farmies!!!!! I'll take all you can bring back!:stretchgr
Nope. I have been living vicariously through your description.Have you had one before Chuck?
Hey Mike. If I remember right that about $100 a cigar. No way man. I will find some some time. Your deserve to smoke those for that very generous bid.Well.....we'll just have to take care of that!! Consider it a trade for the samples you are sending.
Don't make me come out there and kick your ass!:squinteyeHey .....I'm a big boy! Don't tell me what to do!:boxing:
Besides.......what are friends for if not to share some of life's treasures!:dance:
Package sent and I'm serious. :assaultri I will come out there. Send me a VI since youve got me hooked on those.:razz: :razz: :razz: :bouncetau
When you say farmies, are you talking about these:Bring me back some VR Farmies!!!!! I'll take all you can bring back!:stretchgr