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Need your prayers for my Pop


AKA Dookie
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Sep 28, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Glad to hear you guys are in good spirits. That helps a lot for both your dad and your family. Keep the laughter coming and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Doesn't buy Altadis
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Aug 22, 2009
Madison Heights, MI
Glad to hear that the surgery went well. I hope he has a speedy recovery. Your sisters sound like some troublemakers! They would probably get along well with my sister. LOL


CRA Member #206760
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Nov 24, 2009
Glad to hear that your Dad is doing better! There is pow'r in the blood!
Times like these, it's good to find a little humor wherever you can!


Caught in the Crossfire
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Dec 18, 2007
South Carolina
I just saw this Scott. Prayers sent for your dad’s speedy recovery. Sorry to hear about this but it sounds like he came through the surgery OK. They’ve come so far with these heart surgeries, it’s like a walk in the park for the doctors these days. Just try to get your dad to listen to them as far as diet and stuff like that. My dad had his first heart attack about 23 years ago and had a triple bypass but he never listened to the doctors and only heard what he wanted to hear. Since then I lost count of how many other minor attacks he’s had after that, probably through his own fault. He has one of those pacemaker/defibrillators in his chest for about the past 8 years now. I joke with him that he’s like the freakin energizer bunny, just keeps going and going.
The thing is when the doctors give your dad instructions make sure he follows them and not his own interpretation of what he can and can’t do.
Prayers will continue coming his way and for your family.
Best wishes,


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
thanks for the update! what a huge relief valve to have been able to laugh!! great story i'm sure you'll repeat!!

Thanks all.

Update on Dad:

Had his surgery and is resting. Hopefully will go home today but we will see. Was told that he has issues with calcium build up on his valves. Will need open heart soon to take care of it. But he says it's not gonna happen. He's not getting cut open. I'll deal with that when the time comes.

Was kinda funny yesterday after the surgery.

Sitting there with my 3 sisters. Dad was able to have some coffee (he was dying for it). But he could not get the cup to his lips with the IV, pressure cuff, and heart rate thinggy on his finger. So my one sister puts the heart rate thingy on her finger. So far so good, no alerts. Then my other sister takes the pressure cuff off and lays it on the bed. Well, you know these things (pressure cuff) go on about every 5 minutes or so to check blood pressure. Well it goes off. Starts pumping air but it is not around anything. So it keeps getting bigger and bigger, almost to the explosion point before my sisters fess up. I was pissin my pants. My dad had no clue what we were laughing about because he was still a little out of it. The nurse finally comes in and here I am laughing, the balloon is ready to launch from the bed, and my sister is stretched across the bed with her finger still in the heartrate thinggy.


Then I got my other sister riffling through the supply drawers snatching bandages that she says only the hospitals get. I had to slap her upside her head. She kept taking them out and I kept putting them back. Every family has one of these types.

So, at the end of the day. It sure relieved some stress being part of the Henderson Side Show. I had all the nurses busting out laughing. Of course I had about 8 cups Starbucks and 6 Excedrine going. So I was a little charged up.

Again, thanks for all your support. I honestly can't thank you all enough. It really helped me and th efamily get through it.



BoM x 2, BoY 2011
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Sep 23, 2008
south of KCMO
great news with your pops! better tell your sisters that hospitals have a secret list they share, and the henderson name may get on their "watch list"!!! if they ever get hospitalized, they might be subjected to a cavity search before dismissal!!! and hospitals can be thorough!! hmmmm, guess that would include you too.......


<b>Lead Moderator</b>
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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Great follow up Scotty. Glad all is mending and that you guys were able to lighten the day a little. Word of warning...they charge you for that stuff.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Scott, glad to hear things are getting better but we will keep praying anyway. Thanks for keeping us posted. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in the hospital after your dad was recovering from his surgery. I need a good laugh!
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Jan 17, 2010
Wishing your father Godspeed. It sounds from some of the posts that things are getting better. You, your family and your Dad have our continuing prayers.