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No Question is a Stupid Question Thread

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Nov 16, 2014
I know that on a certain site that helps you pay for things and is your pal, it is verboten to mention cigars or tobacco. If you do, they will shut your account down. My question is this: Why have I been able buy cigars from distributors (with "Cigars" in their name) on at least 3 different occasions using said site?


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I know that on a certain site that helps you pay for things and is your pal, it is verboten to mention cigars or tobacco. If you do, they will shut your account down. My question is this: Why have I been able buy cigars from distributors (with "Cigars" in their name) on at least 3 different occasions using said site?
Not 100% certain but my guess is that the "friendly" pay site is assuming that the cigar retailers are doing their due diligence and making sure that the customer is of legal age. If you (as a private individual) are sending something to me there is no guarantee that I am not a 14 year old kid.

Just my guess though.
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Jan 15, 2015
I know that on a certain site that helps you pay for things and is your pal, it is verboten to mention cigars or tobacco. If you do, they will shut your account down. My question is this: Why have I been able buy cigars from distributors (with "Cigars" in their name) on at least 3 different occasions using said site?
It seems to be arbitrarily enforced at best. I have friends that sell the liquid for electronic cigarettes and personal vaporizers. Some were shut down in days and others did it for months and one still does. It seems the site considers anything with nicotine a tobacco product and they shut people down pretty randomly. They probably don't pay attention until somebody narcs or complains about service.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I am sure it's grown to have the least amount of environmental impact or something close to that. That would of be my guess.
Intensive fertilization can ultimately degrade natural soils and increase the chances for all kinds of environmental "disasters" like mudslides, desertification, water contamination, and lead to the inability to grow anything. It's kind of a problem in the developing world.

I'm guessing this tobacco was not grown in under those conditions.
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BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I don't know how many times I've answered this... I'm surprised no one took a stab at the answer.

Place names are important to Geographers. Shortening place names to create nicknames, like Cali, Philly, Chi-town, San Fran, 'Frisco, "the Dam", etc..., is like calling "Robert" "Bob." Some Bobs, don't mind while others do and, thanks to their agency, they have the ability to tell you so. No place can tell you if it likes you "shortening" it's name, so to continue to use the informal name is disrespectful to the place. The place was given a name for a reason and so it should only be called by that name, or an abbreviation.

At the same time, I don't mind certain nicknames being ascribed to places based on happenings, or cultural observances associated with that specific place. These nicknames would include things like Tinseltown, Beantown, the Big Apple, the Windy City, etc...
You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling · To help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some