Everyone should have the EPC on your radar... Ernesto's (Old school LGC) first stick in the new endeavor. Could easily be my favorite stick from the show.
Everyone should have the EPC on your radar... Ernesto's (Old school LGC) first stick in the new endeavor. Could easily be my favorite stick from the show.
Everyone should have the EPC on your radar... Ernesto's (Old school LGC) first stick in the new endeavor. Could easily be my favorite stick from the show.
I agree totally...Although the Preproductions sticks on my blog don't get an official rating, if I HAD given it a rating, it would have been a 93...Easily the most balanced new stick I have smoked in a while...
True but do not think about those...the first EPC sticks are more like the trunk shows Ernesto did where he found interesting tobacco then made a limited run only to be sold at special events. Excellent flavor and it is tough deciding between his, the Quesada 35th, and several others including the Llaneza..but the most balanced new stick I still think is the Benji Menendez.