Rumors have been going around that Palmer Johnson was going to bring a bunch of people back in January. So yesterday I was sitting at the lounge and was just ready to call my old supervisor to let him know that if he'd have me, I'm ready to come back. As I reached for my phone it rang, it was the HR dept, and they asked me to come back starting Monday! Best part is it's first shift mandatory 45 hours right now which doesn't suck at all as I can use the extra hours. First shift puts me on a much better schedule, work at 6am, bed by 9:00, plenty of exercise at work and a better meal schedule. This couldn't have come at a better time, well, I guess it could've come months earlier...but then again my golf game would've suffered! :eyebrow:
I'm so looking forward to getting back to work, not just for the paycheck, but even more for the pride in having a job, working with the great guys I work with, the great tools I work with, the fantastic supervisors I have, the lifestyle it makes me lead and the health benefits that come along with it.