cf2112 said:
In high humidity areas the beads will not reduce the humidity very fast if at all, to reduce the humidity use kitty litter (not the clay type). Beads work great for bringing the hulmidity up and keeping it stable but not for reducing it. I've used beads and kitty litter and the kitty litter works as good as the beads at holding the humidity (once conditioned) and better for reducing it, imho.
Every summer when the humidty gets high I take out my humidifiers and I put in some kitty litter, I usually have to dry it (in the oven at 350 for an hour) or replace it once or twice. It's cheap enough to throw away but I like knowing they are good and dry so I dry em.
#1, whom ever entertained the idea of throwing pre-moistened kitty litter in there...shame on you. We all know that would make the humidity go up. That was not to be taken seriously. #2, does the kitty litter make it smell dusty, musty, or litterish in your humidor? I'm curious b/c if I try this I don't want to be smoking litter infused cigars. I'm not a big flavor infused cigar kind of guy.
The reason I ask is b/c when I had a cat, before I sold it to the chinese restaurant, whenever I would put new kitty litter in the tray it would smell musty and nasty and dusty.
PS-I was strapped for was the cat or a cigar. I chose the cigar.