Hello all,
I went a little overboard with a purchase recently and have a question. I made my purchase based on a recommendation more that experience. Ramone Allones Specially Selected, Trinidad Reyes and Partagas Shorts.
It was my understanding that they all smoke nicely even if a little young, is this correct? How long should I age them? I ask that because I smoked an H. Upmann that was aged too long recently. I've smoked others that were aged too little and too much and its not always pleasent. So to avoid wasting cigars I was hoping for help.
"It was my understanding that they all smoke nicely even if a little young, is this correct? " Incorrect........varies by box,year,storage,ETC.
" How long should I age them?" until they are ready to smoke........you will know by trying one occasionally.
"I ask that because I smoked an H. Upmann that was aged too long recently."Unlikely,and without an age statement,shows a total lack of understanding.Maybe if it was 50 years old it would be diminishing,but still it would be a rare experience.Aged too long?perhaps aged poorly,or not even real...........
I've smoked others that were aged too little and too much and its not always pleasent.How do you know this?
"So to avoid wasting cigars I was hoping for help"...How else can you learn,if you do not experience it for yourself?Is that a waste of cigars?How much do you value knowledge?
If you ask others for advise you will never experience learning,in fact you may be led in the wrong direction.Get a book and read,smoke some cigars,and grow........