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Paging Docs, think I broke my foot!

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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
I fell skiing and the boot/binding did not separate. The torque transferred into the top of my foot. I, too, did not go to the ER or doctors and just iced it, kept off of it and elevated it.

Problem was I went to Texas for an interview and after interview, I walked around for a couple of hours. Tremendous pain after that and decided to go to ER when I got home. They xrayed it and guess what, the bone on the top of the foot laterally cracked/broke. They gave me pain pills, a set of crutches and sent me home with instructions to meet an orthopedist. Off to him I went and gave me a boot which took alot of strain off. I later found out the boot cost $250. I was in that frickin boot for 6 weeks.

All finally healed up. The othro guy wanted me to go to rehab and spend more $. I bagged that and took it slowly.

After 4 months, all healed and ready to ski again!

MORAL of the story...get the xray, go to doc and get better.:sarcastic
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Apr 7, 2007
Overland Park, KS
Sorry, I'm a little late to the answer - didn't hear the page...

Granted, I'm an ER doctor, but I would say that if you're still hurting after 3 to 4 days of giving it rest, you should definitely get an x-ray. A heavy object to the top of the foot can be very painful and cause bruising of the area - and make it very painful to even flex the toes. However, you could also have a fracture that can cause long-term problems if not corrected.

BTW - my free advice is based on what you've told me and not being able to examine the foot in person. It would be important to get real advice from someone that can actually see and touch.

Good luck.