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Pdr cigars contest: Win a free box of pdr small batch reserve


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Look what I got today. ;) Mmm... Hrmmm. So technically this is a entry on another contest so it doesn't count but it's pretty cool so I'm posting it. Its with a PDR 1878 Cubana Especial, Capa Maduro. I'm lighting it with a shot of American Honey for the WWMD (What Would MacGuyver Do?) Contest.
Dude, good thing you didn't light the cigar that way when it was dangling in your belly button lint... your belly hair would've gone up in flames, leading to your chest fro, then to your beard, eyebrows, then head of hair. Would've been bad... :scratchhe

but I guess the positive would've been that your nostril hair would've gone up in flames, clearing out your sinuses. Breathing easy is always good! :)


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Oct 20, 2011
Ok, so I wanted to get in on this. Today I took a little trip to the "Grand Canyon of the East". The Mt. Morris Dam outside of Rochester NY. Very cool place. What I will say, is that while I may have been by myself, I did learn a few things in my "cigar journey" today. But first, let me give you a summary of what happened. I brought with me a Pinar del Rio Habano Seleccion and I must say, it was damn good. The dam is a free place to get in, at the top anyway. Well, it was evening and no one was around. So, I decided to jump the fence to get a little closer to get a cooler picture. As I was climbing down a little I would stop and look around and enjoy the scenery and the cigar. I hear a vehicle pull up. Park Police. Well, they found me. Apparently there is cameras there that I didnt see. Haha. When they asked me what I was doing, I told the truth that I was trying to win a contest that had to do with cigars. Well he could tell that I wasnt some punk kid trying to get high, he kind of just snickered, gave me a little warning and told me to be on my way. I asked if I could get a pic with him, just so I could show you guys, but he again laughed, and said not to push my luck. Haha, I laughed and was on my way. Anyway, here are some pics of me and my stogie before I got "caught". The ones with just the river, I hiked down through to a little ravine. Looked really really cool, and looked more like something you would see in South America or something. I hadnt been there since I was a kid, so I was much more appreciative this time. But I learned something today. Before, I would just smoke a cigar with my buddies while having a beer or on the back porch, which is all fine and good. But too often, I would smoke too fast. I slowed down today, listened to nature, and my surroundings. Wow, what a difference it made for the whole cigar experience. I just kept thinking "this is so damn cool!!" It truly taught me how to enjoy a cigar better. So while I may not win this contest, I did enjoy the hell out of it, and its probably enhanced my cigar journey. Thanks Abe for hosting this!! And keep making kick ass cigars!!



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
So today I made an 8 hour drive to Jamestown North Dakota for a business meeting tomorrow. Jamestown has 2 claims to fame. First of all it is the birthplace of Louis L'amour. :ccowboy:

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Secondly it is also home to the National Buffalo Museum which has what is billed as "the world's largest buffalo". Apparently the world's largest buffalo likes PDR cigars...Who Knew!!!

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Jokey says BOOM!!!!
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Jun 4, 2012
Valley Springs, CA
Hey guys...I'm a noob here at BOTL but I'm not a noob to cigars...particularly PDR! I haven't tried a lot of the new stuff, but I'm still finishing a couple boxes of the old label stuff from a few years back...this is one of my fave pairings...sorry for the unlit picture, but I don't have good lighting outside, and I don't smoke in the house...

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Apr 5, 2012
Here was my first ever PDR. A Sungrown Habano that unfortunately had a cracked wrapper due to shipping. I loved it anyway.
