You're missing my point Nate, which I outlined for the most part back my intial post. The act of ripping off ideas or marketing doesn't bother me, particularly in the cigar world, as it has all pretty much been done you mentioned. What irks me, why I don't really know, is the hypocritical mentality where I saw Andre get blasted here (and in more than one thread mind you) for not having original ideas.....yet when Pete does it, albeit under the guise of paying homage, it's all good? That's my point. I'm not surprised by it, as this has always be a uber Tat biased forum. Hell, just taking a quick look around, and that's pretty obvious.
Anyway, that's what I noticed, and what I initially found irony in. Was it a bit of pot-stirring? Sure it was...hell still might be even, lol....but I had that opinion, and thought I'd share it. That's what the forum is all about right?....we aren't all going to think alike and agree on everything.