Thanks for the birthday wishes, folks. Although it wasn't really planned to be, it turned out to be a somewhat eventful birthday weekend. My birthday started out with a leisurely breakfast. Then, just as I was convincing myself that 47 isn't nearly as old as the 50th that would be here in just three short years, my son called to inform me that he would be giving me my third grandchild. Few things make one feel older than when your youngest starts making' babies!
After that, I bought myself a wireless router for the house and the wife took me out for nice Italian dinner. Today, I finally got around to enjoying an Hoyo de Monterrey with an Alaskan Brewing Co. Pale Golden Ale, on my deck, while cruising the net on my iPhone, over the new WiFi connection. It warmed up to sweltering 40 degrees, so this was actually a pleasant experience. Gotta love them federal holidays.