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pic of your four legged smoking buddy

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Aug 30, 2019
Thank you. I still have his sister Wilma and a 13 yr mutt mckenzie to smoke with. All great dogs. Great companions.

Sent from a galaxy far far away!
That's good. You must take good care of dogs

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Nov 22, 2018
West Virginia
Please keep my 16yr old chocolate lab Charlie in your prayers. He has had many ups and downs the past 8 months but has gotten very bad these past few weeks after the fire and getting boarded for a few days. He can barely walk now And not eating well for us along with heavy breathing and we have figured he has heart failure due to his symptoms and been giving meds to comfort him the best we can but unfortunately we feel his time is limited and has had a very bad night tonight. I love him to death he’s been my smoking buddy, video game buddy, hockey buddy and everything else in between. He would be 17 in about a month. 72CC8AC8-95BB-4EE0-B589-E0EAA18BDCF5.jpeg
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Feb 2, 2015
Been awhile since I posted on an update about our Chance. He was rescued after being locked in a dark room in the basement for up to 5 years; beaten, starved to 15 pounds, paws broken, and other things I just can’t imagine...and don’t want to. This past October he celebrated his 6th “re-birthday” with his family, which means his dream has lasted longer then his nightmare. I count each day with him as a blessing and couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without him, he’s changed my life in so many ways.

After Rescue:

Chance at 40 pounds:

He use to wake up to a nightmare and now he wakes up to a dream.

I’ve been blessed with a dog almost every day of my life, however none have expressed joy and happiness like Chance. When he’s most happy he actually smiles.

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