Hey, I like the snow thing. Plus, I don't have to drive five hours to Yosemite to get some. Don't even have to stop for lunch in Fresno, nor for onions in Visalia. Snow comes to me. Cleans up the whole winter scene nice and pretty. Hey, you're going to get all pissy about a little snow fall, you can stay home and enjoy the ash fall.
Tho I could do without icy roads. I'll ride in snow; but I don't ride the murdersickle once it turns to ice. Tire studs not legal here.
Could be worse. I read recently that mega volcanoes, like Yellowstone, the lab coats used to think these cracked loose every, I dunno, 150k years; but now the lab coats figure more like every 17k years... and it's been 20k. Something like that shakes loose, you're gonna be on the wrong side of the fault line. Luckily, NASA has a plan to lube Yellowstone by injecting water. I kid you not.
OK enough pleasantries ... back to work here.