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Dec 29, 2016
If one isn't a cigar smoker and nicotine works, the best/ healthiest method for delivery would be patch or gum I'd think. Maybe he should start some patches or gum and see if it helps him whatsoever! Anything I'd try if there's evidence it works

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Jun 11, 2015
Tried rolling a handful of short smokes today. Only used 1/2 a PA Oscuro wrapper for all of them...20170206_235221.jpg
The BL wrappers are huge!
Except for the first roll of the group,
to minimize the veins, I cut out the big ones that run from the center to the outer edge. The sections were big enough to handle these shorter smokes. The first roll near the tip of the wrapper leaf, the sections weren't big enough yet so that one still has veins.
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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
The BL wrappers are huge!
Aren't they? FX Smith's was complaining to me, last time I saw him, how this year's crop of PA BL, he can only get six wrappers from a leaf, where most years he gets eight. Six are worth bitchin? Eight is standard? Now, that's a leaf!

His CT are huge too. I still have some in a 48 qt cooler here. Have to fold them up even to fit in the cooler.


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Jun 3, 2015
Arcadia, IN
Aren't they? FX Smith's was complaining to me, last time I saw him, how this year's crop of PA BL, he can only get six wrappers from a leaf, where most years he gets eight. Six are worth bitchin? Eight is standard? Now, that's a leaf!

His CT are huge too. I still have some in a 48 qt cooler here. Have to fold them up even to fit in the cooler.
How is it worked with connie shade wrappers? Thin and fragile? Worth the price tag?

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May 9, 2014
Newark, Dull-Aware
How is it worked with connie shade wrappers? Thin and fragile? Worth the price tag?
Thin, true, but remarkably flexible, considering how thin. Adds a creaminess to anything. Burns well. Looks nice. Just don't leave them wet forever. Shoot me an addy, I'll send you a batch of CT Shade leaves to play with... all you have to do in return is get rid of this at the end of every message:

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I don't know why, but tapatalk's spam sig lines are like nails on a blackboard to me.

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