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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
I tried to get Gregg Allman to smoke a joint with me while I was halfway passed out in the alley behind a concert hall when I was in college. He declined.

Same concert hall, same alleyway, the Black Keys didn't decline. Hung out with them several times actually before they hit it big.

I guess I've probably met more than my share of celebrities. Mostly in the music or sports world.
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Jan 15, 2015
I trained with Dan "The Beast" Severn for an afternoon when I was a teenager. This was in the very early years of UFC.

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Dude, I would trade every celebrity interaction and possibly every cigar I own for that opportunity.
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SGT Hulka
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Aug 4, 2014
Ft Hood, TX
Dude, I would trade every celebrity interaction and possibly every cigar I own for that opportunity.
It was pretty cool. I already had a black belt in Shotokan and I wanted to get into a different style. I found a dojo that was a combined martial arts school that also taught ground fighting, this was before the term MMA was mainstream. One day they had a sign up for a clinic being put on by Dan at a local high school. I had seen him in the UFC and there was no way I was gonna miss that. He spoke to us for a while about his style and wrestling and such. Then the clinic started. He asked for a vounteer and I stepped up. Mind you, I'm about 14 or 15 at the time. He said come at me and attack. Well, I went at him with everything I had and I think I threw one punch and a kick before he balled me up and had me in a submission hold. I couldn't even fight it, I had to tap. The rest of the afternoon was just being taught some grappling and such but it was a cool experience.

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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
I'll share another. I used to ride the same Monday morning plane from Nashville to Cleveland with jack white. Chatted with him every Monday (almost) for nearly a year. Don't like his music all that much, but a very interesting guy.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I trained with Dan "The Beast" Severn for an afternoon when I was a teenager. This was in the very early years of UFC.

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That reminded me, the WWE guys always lift at my gym on the weekend before a Monday night event.

Met quite a few of them, The Rock, Stone Cold, Cena (prick) and others, but my brush with fame with them was training back with The Undertaker one Sunday.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Let's see ...

When I was a young kid, my mom took me to see Pincas Zukerman, a world class classical musician play the violin. After the concert we waited for a long time to get an autograph. He stormed out of the building, grabbed my program, wadding it in the process, drew a squiggly line, and tossed it back, without ever breaking a stride. Pretty much turned me off to celebrities in general.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Encounter #1: Back in the late 80's my wife worked for an accountant. Instead of a Christmas party (holiday party for you younger folks) her boss would have an after April 15th party at one if the nicer restaurants in town. Most of you probably have no idea who this is but Red Skelton was doing a show in town that night and and happened to be eating at the same restaurant. On his way out he came over to our table, greeted everyone and performed a couple of his characters for us.

Encounter #2: in the late 2000's I was working for Fastenal. During our annual sales meeting I roomed with the guy that was in charge of their NASCAR Program. At that time they were involved with the truck series and Ken Shrader was their driver. Fastenal had the Universal theme park reserved for the night and I ended up spending the whole night riding rides and drinking beer with him and then later on drinking together in my hotel room until about 3:30. I did make it to the 7:30 breakfast meeting the next morning but needless to say I wasn't very attentive.

Encounter #3: In 1999 I was doing some training in Cedar Rapids Iowa and was staying at the 5 Seasons convention center. I headed down to the bar to order a burger one night for dinner and there was a benefit concert going on so the place was a little more busy than usual. As I was waiting for the bartender to take my food order one of the guys sitting at the bar asked me if I wanted his tickets. Apparently he had to leave early so he wasn't able to stay for the whole concert. The band that was playing was America so I jumped at the chance. I used the ticket stub to get back in and saw the end of the concert plus encores which were the songs that I wanted to hear anyways (Horse with no name, Sister Goldenhair, Ventura Highway, etc.). As soon as it was over I rushed back to the bar because I knew they stopped serving food at 10:00 and I was hungry. While sitting at the bar having a beer and waiting for my food I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me who turned out to be the booking agent for the band. We ate our burgers and chatted for awhile and before I knew it the band showed up and there I was having a beer with them! After about a half hour they all headed up to their rooms except for the drummer, the agent and one other younger guy named Matt. I wasn't sure who he was but he sure was nice. As we were drinking and talking another younger guy shows up who introduced himself to me as Gunnar. That's when it dawned on me that the younger guys were Gunnar and Matthew Nelson, Ricky Nelson's twin sons from the 80's group "Nelson". We ended up staying the rest of the night till closing time. Probably not the most famous people in the world but it was certainly fun and memorable for me.
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Jul 17, 2016
Postfalls, ID
Celine Dion is my cousin. Also I have another cousin Frankie Hill who used to be a professional skate boarder who grew up skating with tony hawk, he was also in the movie Hook. He taught Robin Williams to skate in the movie. Other than that I got nothing here in Idaho lol
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May 11, 2013
Encounter #1: Back in the late 80's my wife worked for an accountant. Instead of a Christmas party (holiday party for you younger folks) her boss would have an after April 15th party at one if the nicer restaurants in town. Most of you probably have no idea who this is but Red Skelton was doing a show in town that night and and happened to be eating at the same restaurant. On his way out he came over to our table, greeted everyone and performed a couple of his characters for us.

Encounter #2: in the late 2000's I was working for Fastenal. During our annual sales meeting I roomed with the guy that was in charge of their NASCAR Program. At that time they were involved with the truck series and Ken Shrader was their driver. Fastenal had the Universal theme park reserved for the night and I ended up spending the whole night riding rides and drinking beer with him and then later on drinking together in my hotel room until about 3:30. I did make it to the 7:30 breakfast meeting the next morning but needless to say I wasn't very attentive.

Encounter #3: In 1999 I was doing some training in Cedar Rapids Iowa and was staying at the 5 Seasons convention center. I headed down to the bar to order a burger one night for dinner and there was a benefit concert going on so the place was a little more busy than usual. As I was waiting for the bartender to take my food order one of the guys sitting at the bar asked me if I wanted his tickets. Apparently he had to leave early so he wasn't able to stay for the whole concert. The band that was playing was America so I jumped at the chance. I used the ticket stub to get back in and saw the end of the concert plus encores which were the songs that I wanted to hear anyways (Horse with no name, Sister Goldenhair, Ventura Highway, etc.). As soon as it was over I rushed back to the bar because I knew they stopped serving food at 10:00 and I was hungry. While sitting at the bar having a beer and waiting for my food I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me who turned out to be the booking agent for the band. We ate our burgers and chatted for awhile and before I knew it the band showed up and there I was having a beer with them! After about a half hour they all headed up to their rooms except for the drummer, the agent and one other younger guy named Matt. I wasn't sure who he was but he sure was nice. As we were drinking and talking another younger guy shows up who introduced himself to me as Gunnar. That's when it dawned on me that the younger guys were Gunnar and Matthew Nelson, Ricky Nelson's twin sons from the 80's group "Nelson". We ended up staying the rest of the night till closing time. Probably not the most famous people in the world but it was certainly fun and memorable for me.
@Rupe I am an old guy so I know exactly who Red Skelton is. Loved his show. Freddy the Freeloader was my favorite character of his
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May 11, 2013
I was in and out of Nashville when I worked in music. Some of the coolest celebrities I met were Dolly Parton and George Straight. They were the most cordial and big hearted folks. The one celebrity (in my opinion) that I learned the most from was Warren Peterson. He had nearly thirty years in the business as an engineer and producer by the time I met him. The man has a huge heart and a ton of wisdom.

I have met Richard Petty, Coach K (Duke Basketball), Mindy McCready, Jason Aldean, Vanesa Williams, Flo Rida, and a number of others. For the most part they are polite normal people. I learned over time that they're all just like the rest of us. Some are cool, some are quiet, some are thoughtful, and some are assholes. In the end they are really no different than us. These days seeing a celebrity some where is no big deal. People I work with now are always kind of star struck when they run in to somebody famous. I find it pretty funny.

The only celebrity I haven't met and I want to is Buddy Guy.

Oh, and biggest asshole is a toss up between Ric Flair, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Tim McGraw.
I look at Billy Ray Cyrus' offspring and I'm not surprised he is an ahole.
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Feb 12, 2016
American Canyon, CA
Met James Franco once while walking through the Venetian in Las Vegas in '05. I also bumped into SF Bay Area Rapper Richie Rich a few years back in a lounge/bar both were pretty cool down to earth dudes IMO.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I travel quite a bit so it's understandable that I'd see a lot of celebs at airports. George Hamilton who tried to escape from me and my wife and her sister at LAX...ducked into a phone booth and told the girls to stand on each side ..he finally came out but was a nice guy. I was at LAX once again and saw Ian McShane...I was actually taking a pi$$ at the time when he walked up to the urinal beside me...I looked over at him and remarked that this was a real treat for me to share a piss with a movie/TV star and he proceeded to start laughing and pissed all over his shoes. Gary Busey at LAX...this guy is looney tunes but nice. He looked like he had taken a handful of amphetimines and he was on the floor escalator going one way and me the other...I looked over at him and said..."How's it goin Busey"....he had this big $hit eating grin and started answering but his voice trailed off as he was going pretty fast on that escalator...about 25 yards away from me he's still talking....whoooooooo boy! Chuck Conners at LAX....he was sitting on a seat at one of the terminals ( can't remember what airline...might have been Delta ) and I don't know why I noticed this but...I'm sitting across from him reading a paper and I notice he's got a hole in his slacks...on the left pocket about the size of a quarter....I keep staring like the hole was a mirage....weird. Bill Walton ....saw him at Indianapolis Airport going up the escalator while I'm going down.....I look at him in the eye and casually say...."Hey Bill....wtf are you doing in Indy?" just like that....He just started laughing and finally says...."doin good man, doin good." Amy Poehler at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport at the Delta Terminal....she's sitting across the row of seats from me with these big huge sunglasses and hat trying to hide her ID.....she knows I'm watching her...she looks up at me and I just leaned over to her and said...."hey....don't worry...I'm not going to rat you out to everybody...unless you don't buy me a Starbucks Frappacino." She went over and bought me one...she's funny as hell. AJ Foyt and his wife, Lucy on Southwest Flight . Got to sit next to them and they are really down to earth people....very nice and Lucy....she's really funny! It was a 3 hour flight and had the best conversation and laughs the whole time....she told me some great stories about the other famous race car drivers...of which I've never told anybody and won't...she made me promise but if it ever got out....would make for a great book. James Patterson/Author....he lives in Palm Beach where I was visiting with friends of mine who were at their parents who happened to live a few houses down from Mr. Patterson....Alexander Haig lived on the same street across from my friends parents. I was riding a Vespa at the time and Mr. Patterson was rounding a corner in his Jag and almost hits me. He gets out of his car and wanted to know if I was ok because I had to lay the Vespa down. There wasn't any damage to the scooter but it was a nice conversation we had for about 20 minutes.

I know I'm leaving out at least a dozen more but I tend to spot them a lot it seems...most are pretty nice as long as you treat them like normal.
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Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
Have hung out with Collective Soul, Brett Michaels, Switchfoot, P.O.D., Pillar, and MercyMe.

Have met and talked with Will Ferrell, Sam Bradford, Sin Bad, George Brett, and Doug McMillon.

Danced on stage in front of 30,000 people with Justin Timberlake.
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Jan 15, 2015
I look at Billy Ray Cyrus' offspring and I'm not surprised he is an ahole.
Ask anybody in the business that worked around him and they have a bad story to tell. Even guys that did security at his shows in the 1990s wanted to beat him black and blue. I can't tell the stories I heard, but the way his daughter turned out isn't a surprise at all.


Retired VCR Salesman
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Nov 6, 2015
I've also met Nick Offerman twice from parks and rec (grew up in a small town about 25 minute from me). Nick is the coolest dude ever. Talked woodworking and looked at what I've built over the years. and Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute)... he was kinda a dick.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
I've met a good amount of famous people. When I was 10, I met Muhammad Ali at an autograph signing. I met Michael Jordan and Mike Tyson when I lived in Vegas. When it comes to athletes I've met Tebow, Mayweather, Pacquiao, Marino, Dennis Rodman, Mickelson, Mattingly, Jimmy Johnson, and a lot others. For musicians, I've met Gary Clark Jr.,, Marilyn Manson, grew up with one of the members of New Found Glory, and hung out with The Roots in college. Only actors or actresses I've met were Will Smith, James Woods, and Mandy Moore. I've also met John McCain, George W. Bush when he was a governor, Trump, and Bill Clinton.
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Brandon | BotM Jan 2038
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Jul 28, 2016
Northwest Arkansas
I've also met Nick Offerman twice from parks and rec (grew up in a small town about 25 minute from me). Nick is the coolest dude ever.
I've met a lot of famous people through my job and I've never been star struck. If I met Nick Offerman though, I'd be a bumbling idiot! I love everything I've ever read/heard/seen about and from that guy!

In fact, for Christmas last year, I had this playing on my TV during the Christmas Eve party. HAHA!


Retired VCR Salesman
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Nov 6, 2015
I've met a lot of famous people through my job and I've never been star struck. If I met Nick Offerman though, I'd be a bumbling idiot! I love everything I've ever read/heard/seen about and from that guy!

In fact, for Christmas last year, I had this playing on my TV during the Christmas Eve party. HAHA!
Hahaha I met him during his first 2 book signings. He did them at where he went to grade school and high school. Met his whole family as well. The first time he stayed literally until 130am till he met every single person and shook there hand, thanked them for coming out, and signed their book. I was sadly one of the last people to go, so that's how I know about 130am hahahaha! If you get a chance, try to meet him. His wife (megan mullally) was supposed to come the first time as well, but she was doing Conan that day.