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Potty Break

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May 29, 2008
Im on my way home from meeting up with some friends. My plans were to hit the store. After all im outta ice cream and bacon, and since I started making ice cream I just cant eat the store bought stuff. Plus I needed some chicken thighs to make some jambalaya for my lunches for work the next coupla nights.

Well im halfway to the store, which is on my way home, and my tummy starys making noise. Those deep down guttural sounds that are prehistoric in nature. Immediately my plans of stopping at the store has changed. I HAVE TO GET HOME! Even tho I go past walmart, who has 2 restrooms, the one in the back of the store is always clean, 3 gas stations, AND the grocery store that I originally planned to stop at. Well no, I just cant, I mean for "craps" sake I just cant use any restroom. I HAVE TO USE MINE!

"Butt" alas, as I approach walmart, I may not make it. I shift in my seat. Ah that helped, I can make it home. Pass wal-mart. Approach my turn to go home, nope I cant. I fly into the grocery store and straight to the bathroom. Ah much better. A "load" off my mind. Well after the paperwork is finish, I decide to shop. Got everything I needed.

So on my way home im now thinking about making ice cream and cooking jambalaya. When it dons on me that I was willing to change all my plans, which would have directly affected my actions for the days to come all over the fact I didnt want to use a public restroom.

Am I the only knuckleheaded jackass that prefers my bathroom over a public restroom?

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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I prefer "home field advantage" too I know all the equipment at my home stall lol

"Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar."


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Nope, I always prefer my own toilet. I literally spent hours picking out my toilet. Walmart is no place to poop either....

We need to work on a app to rate restrooms so people know where to run in an emergency.

D Quintero

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Nov 9, 2009
Big fan of Intl airport terminal shitters !
The clean vacuum power flush triple fast action is wicked on em'
A must buy for the residence one day


King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
I don't like not knowing who blessed the lid before me. My issue is I frequently have to go NOW! I have a few stories about missing socks and 'not making it', that I'll save for another day...

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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
OH my, what a crappy subject, however, I am right there with ya, except, I would have took a trip out in the woods and got behind a nice big oak before going into a public out house. Its gotta be my own throne or a big oak in the woods, last resort is a public hole.
on a side note, ya oughta be on Diabetic meds if ya want an emergency crap, sometimes there isn't time to look for a crapper.
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Dec 22, 2010
Guys, these are some funny responses. I'm LMAO!

Home field advantage

Paper work!

Missing socks!

I'm pretty sure that we all have some crazy stories along this thread. I know that I do.

Anyone ever get the max gas stomach? The one where you have to pass gas like you are a new fracking station? I especially hate it when I'm at work and around women....it's like Murphy decided that today was your day!
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Aug 12, 2012
As most of you have said, my own thrown is always the best. But when push comes to shove, sometimes you have no choice. And you always feel better afterwards.
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May 14, 2012
Mine is the best. It's the only place I can go to get any real work done.
Also, when I build a house I will have one of those airport industrial power flushers. There's no greater comfort than knowing no matter how much damage you do to a toilet, it will go down easy.
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Jun 7, 2013
Goshen, IN, USA
I like my own, but I'll use any hole in the ground if I have to take a dump. You guys need to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you. Just putt a few drops on the seat and use toilet paper to wipe it around the seat. All clean!
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Jan 1, 2013
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Nope, I always prefer my own toilet. I literally spent hours picking out my toilet. Walmart is no place to poop either....

We need to work on a app to rate restrooms so people know where to run in an emergency.
I thought of this a few years back because I swear my ex had a secret plan to use every bathroom in America lol

"Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar."
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
A warm toilet seat is sorta like a hooker. Feels good....just don't think about who was there last.

I could not care less where I go when its time to go. Only thing that gives me a little pause is if I suspect it's going to have some significant audio component, I perfer to have the room to myself....but, even then, if the witnesses are on the way out and I won't have to face them, I say let er rip